A client release is given to the the production crew and also actors for them to know when and where the filming will be taken place at. This is important when it comes to filming because everything can be organised and done quicker.
The location recce form lets the crew and the actors know where the filming is exactly taking place and also this form is important because it gives directions to the crew and the actors to how they should get there.
The production schedule is used to let the actors know when
and where they will be shooting a particular shot. It conditions who is in
charge of directing, editing and camera work etc this allows the cast to know
who they need to speak to. Production schedule is significant as the cast need
to know when and where they are filming as well as who is in control for
certain roles for any difficulties they may have. Also Contact numbers are also
used on the form for any problems or inquiries the cast have.
The risk assessment is a general evaluation of filming to classify any risks or problems that may happen. This confirms that the production crew and cast members are safe whilst on set and that there are no health and safety issues. This paper work is important as health and safety is a serious issue and helps to avoid any accidents during the course of filming making filming precise.
Overall creating pre production paperwork was necessary in the production of our thriller film so that cast and crew members knew every detail about filming and that they were safe on set. These documents allowed us to film in the sites chosen and protected us for any legal actions. This paperwork gave me a better vision on what’s going to happen making it easier when it comes to filming our thriller. Pre production paperwork has helped me and my group in planning our thriller film to really know what we are doing, instead of having us wasting time asking the director. Also for us to know what is expected of all of us while on set, this is so that people knowing what they need to do and what is expected of them will mean that the film will be of a high standard and the filming process will run smoothly.