Monday, 19 November 2012

Planning- Editing Miss B


Editing within a film is very important as it can affect the look and feel of the film affectedly. Also it is important to think about the editing, particularly in thriller films because the following shot should compliment their predecessor so that the viewer is able to understand what is happening. For example if the editor wishes to make the audience feel a certain emotion such as scared/ surprised then they would need to edit the film in certain ways using special techniques in order to make them feel this way.
The editing techniques my group plans to use in our thriller consist of the following:

1. Fade to black which will in turn create suspense among the audience. This will be used when something significant is going to happen which will in turn leave the audience wanting more. This is conventional to the thriller genre as thrillers are known for creating suspense among the audience which this does.
2. We plan on using reaction shots to allow the audience to see the fear on our characters faces or just to see how their feeling for example if they are happy or sad etc. This is conventional to the thriller genre as it will allow the audience to form relationships between them and the characters. Also it will make it seem more realistic.
3.We will use a montage to create excitement among the audience. This will be used when we wish the audience to see certain scenes together. This is conventional to the thriller genre as it will create excitement among the audience allowing tension to build
4. We may use a straight cut when putting clips of our trailer together in order to help the audience follow the narrative easily without creating confusion. This is conventional to the thriller genre as we don't want our audience to not understand what is going on, so that they feel the full impact of our thriller.

Over all planning what editing techniques we will use has helped my group in many ways for example , it saves us time when it comes to the editing bit however this may be just an idea for now.Furthermore we now know what impact we wish to inflict upon the audience. Also this will show our teacher that we thought about what editing techniques to use and why it's going to be effective to the audience and hopefully this will show within our thriller.


  1. well done, some good evidence of further planning

    - if your thriller has a narrative, it is a two minute thriller rather than a trailer. Make sure you and your group know exactly which route you have chosen to go down
    -re-think you montage example, when will you use this and how

  2. good planning of editing here. This post shows that you have thought about the different filming and editing techniques in good detail
