Mise en scene means the visual elements of a film. Mise-en-scene is made up of five elements:
- Settings and iconography
- Lighting and colour
- Facial expression and body language
- Costume, hair and make-up
- Positioning of the characters within the shot/frame
Settings and Iconography
Settings and iconography are used to manipulate the audience
by setting certain expectations. Settings are usually built on a set or time is
taken to find a real suitable location to film at.
Lighting and colour
It is used for several different reasons, lighting can be
used to reflect a characters mood or mental situation or to highlight the
important subjects within the frame.
Facial expression and body language
Facial expression and body language is an important element
when connecting to the audience. This allows the audience to recognize how a character
is feeling or the relationship between characters.
Costume, hair and make-up
This tells the audience about the characters personality and allows the audience to identify what character they are playing in the film. The clothes the characters wear is an instant indicator to what job and social status they withhold.
Conventional Mise en scene within a thriller.
Settings and iconography:
- Guns, knives etc.
Abandoned locations: warehouses, houses and in the woods etc.
Costume, hair and make-up:
Black clothing
Wild hair styles
Dark make-up
Facial expression and body language:
Frightened expressions
Determined expressions
Vulnerable positions
Confident body language
Lighting and colour:
Low key lighting
Under lighting
Black, white and red colours- connotations of blood and
death and purity.
Positioning of characters/subjects:
Middle of the frame- shows importance
A clip from the dark knight film.
In this clip of dark knight , setting is used to create that sense of isolated place , its quite empty , its a sort of place where the antagonist can't escape. In addition there is not a lot of iconography however there is a few, which are the handcuff , the lamp , chair and table. The handcuff may suggest that the character may have commit a criminal offense.The lighting used is low key lighting and the source of lighting is coming from the lamp to show the characters face as its highlighting their facial expressions. as the the scene goes on the lighting changes to high key lighting this is to show the audience whats happening between the two characters.The antagonist is quite cheeky , confident character he shows it though his facial expressions, where the protagonist is where a mask so the audience are unable to see his facial expressions,never the less the audience can sort of still predict the protagonist's facial expressions through his body language and also we can see his eyes , which tells us he is angry with the antagonist. Costume and make-up is really effective in this clip because , the protagonist is wearing dark costume with a mask which makes the audience think he is the antagonist due to the colour black meaning 'evil' this plays with the audience expectations of a protagonist.The antagonist is wearing make up of a clown but a evil clown. His eye make-up is quite dark , its sort of conventional to a thriller.
Overall looking at the use of Mise en scene help me get some sort of ideas of how i will use Mise en scene in my thriller film and to really think about each elements of Mise en scene. The use of iconography in each film is conventional
to the narrative as well as the genre. I have recognized that weapons are a
main choice of iconography with thriller films as there is always a
kill/torture scene. i will be using weapons such as knives which are conventional iconography
and have influenced me into using them into my thriller scene.