Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Research- Sound Ms B

Sound in films
Sounds are used in films to create and understanding for the audience and to create more meaning about the character and their emotions. Sound is also used to create a response from the audience. Sound  is really important to thrillers because with out sound it wont be as scary as it normally would be. Sound adds tension and suspense to thrillers

Key terminology's 
Diegetic sound: sound, which is part of the film world e.g. dialogue, music from the radio or jukebox, the sound can be on or off screen.
Non-Diegetic sound: sound which is not a part of the film world e.g. soundtrack, sound effects, voice covers
On screen sound: You can see where the sound is from e.g. radio, cars
Off screen sound: You can hear sound but cannot see where it is coming from but makes sense to film world (traffic sounds, coughing)
Parallel sound: When the sound you hear in a film is what is expected e.g. a scene with children in a class room the parallel sounds would be, children& teacher talking, and sound of pen on paper.
Contrapuntal sound: When the sound does not match the expectations of what you are viewing an example of this is jaws , the scenes of the beach are accompanied by the contrapuntal sound of them , tune 'dur dur' which does not fit in with the happy images.
House at the end of the street

On Screen Sound; when girl  is along an empty road , its dark and there's trees around it, looks like a forest then you hit the road . As she walks on you suddenly hear the sound of the car as its moving slowly ,this is to build tension and let the audience know that the car is about to stop,but what they don't know is who's driving in the car this is to add mystery ,then eventually they see the boy's face as he starts talking to the girl. Also non/Diegetic sound is used when the woman starts talking about the house the sound tempo builds up.
Cici's death in scream 2

Non Diegetic;as the girl walks sluggishly ,not knowing whats going to happen the mystic sound slowly builds up,this is used to create suspense this has an effect on the audience making them clueless to whats going to happen..keeps them wondering/on the edge.
Off screen sound while shes walking through the living room ,we hear a dog braking that's when she turns around as she looks frightened , this is used to create tension. 

Non Diegetic sound is used when the girl stares at the door and unexpectedly looks behind it thinking somebody was behind the door,the sound created was so dramatic,sounded like something dreadful was going to occur.However this was used to make the audience think that someone was actually behind the door,its almost like their playing with the audience's mind, expecting something to happen but another thing happening instead.

Diegetic sound is used when the phone rings,making the girl jumpy.This is used to create a 
scene that she's going to answer the phone. Makes the audiences wonder who the phone call might be from as she looks scared to talk,has the audience's attention. 

Non Diegetic sound creeps in as shes starts, to speak.... then out of the blue the killer pops out of the closet and she turns around horrified and tries to run. this added a lot of tension/ suspense , got the audiences feeling expect the unexpected, unaware of the next movement  Also as the antagonist chases her the sound tempo firmly increases this engages the audiences to join in as they might be screaming "his behind!" creates that effect that their on the girls side as they have sympathy for her.

I think that in thriller movies, sound is the most important aspect because with out sound it would not be as tearful as it normally would be.Sound can have so many effects on the audiences whether its Diegetic or non Diegetic etc.,it creates a whole lot of different atmosphere depending  on the scene/ plot. This research made me think about how I'm going to use sound to create a certain effect on the audience and also what type of sound i might want to use to create tension and suspense. In my own thriller , i will be using none Diegetic sound because , that's the one that mostly creates suspense as i would want my audience to be frighten.


  1. A good post here Yasmin, well done. Some good analysis of existing sounds in the scenes you have chosen to analyse.

    To improve;
    -make the key terminology clearer
    -when analysing the scenes, make sure all your examples have the same amount of detail in analysis, and you can do this by using the PEER structure in your writing. Remember to always relate to thriller conventions and audience response.
    -in your conclusion, suggest some examples of sounds you are planning to include and state why.

  2. again Yasmin, you demonstrate a good understanding of sound by providing accurate definitions and some good examples that are analysed to support your knowledge.

    To improve;
    -discuss how these sounds are conventional to a thriller, as well as audience responses as they go hand in hand in analysis
    -check spelling and grammar. Proof read your work please

  3. well done, changes have been made and you show a good understanding of sound and its impact on thrillers.
