Definition of Iconography
The objects that you see in the scene, the meaning that these objects create to the scene.
2012 trailer
when analysing the trailer 2012, there was so many iconography that made the film more exciting.
-Cars are used for;
speed (chase)
may show wealth!
- Tall buildings;you mainly would find them in action films , for them to get destroyed!
- Trees represent life!
- Jet ;safety again shows wealth.
-Fire ;danger.
sea- shows power
when thinking about a thriller iconography we as the audience straight away think of weapons such as knives
as knives associates with blood , death and pain However there are other weapons used but the knives are the typical iconography when it comes to thrillers.
These iconographys are conventional to thriller films ,as they are so common.
Examples from the existing film 'Scream'
In this film the girl (protagonist) is using the knive to protect herself from the antagonist , from this the audience get some sort of feeling of danger about to occur.

The phone was the most significant iconography in the film 'scream' because it lead to the girls death therefore a certain iconography can have so much meaning to it and is there for a particular reason.
blood is one of the main iconography used in a thriller , it plays a big part , its used to show pain/hurt ,death and danger.
Running water is often a symbol of death as it submits the wearing
of life or it can be associated with blood dripping and suggests that the
characters are in danger.
Bars on windows are used to show isolation or locked in can’t
escape, which links to the conventional thriller. Fences consisting of razor barbed wire also
suggest that the characters are imprisoned and have no way of getting out which
shows how they are detached from the outside world and therefore conforms to
the convention of isolation in thrillers.
Over all i think iconography used in thrillers are important because they help the audience recognize the little things to give them clues to whats happening the scene.
Yasmin, you've used a good variation of examples to develop your discussion of iconography.
ReplyDeleteConsider being more specific with your definition of iconography. Provide some examples of iconography which you can spot in each of these clips and develop your discussion with
a.) why this example of iconography is used
b.)The response that this causes from the audience.